Tobogganing in Meribel
There are two tobogganing runs in Meribel, Mission Black Forest, and the Himalayan Piste which also runs at night.
Toboggan run in Meribel is a 3.4km sled run on snow, descending 470m. It departs from the bottom of the Tougnette lift in the Chaudaunne and is open every day from 1pm- 4:25pm.
It costs €12 for one run, or €9 per person for a group of four (or, four runs). This price includes the cost of the lift, helmet and sled rental.
Toboggan run is open in Mottaret every Thursday of the season from 5:30pm - 7:30pm.
It costs €6 for one run, or €12 for the whole evening!
Children under 11 go free if they are accompanied by an adult. Most ski hire shops in Mottaret will hire out sledges for the evening.
Top tip: Don't forget your gloves to keep warm!
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